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QA Breakdown

Guide to QA Breakdown Chart

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago


The QA Breakdown table focuses on QA Score and allows you to create a table that is based off of Agent QA Scores. This chart, as well as QA Feedback and QA Counts, can only be configured for a table view. 

Customizing Your Report

qa breakdown

Blue box: By default QA Breakdown analyzes QA Score. Here you are able to specify the group of agents or agent groups you are looking to filter by. 

Orange box: Here you can specify the time frame for what tickets are included in the breakdown.

Red box: This is an optional field where you can choose to filter in a combination of:

  1.  Rubric

  2. Grader

  3. Ticket Attribute. 

Note: whatever you choose in "filter to" by won't be selectable as a column [Green box]. As an example, if you choose to filter by both Rubrics and Ticket Attributes, you won't be able to split your chart by columns. 

Green box: For ease of view, you can also choose to split the columns by either:

  1. Rubrics

  2. Ticket Attributes

For QA Breakdown, you cannot mix and match which columns you choose to filter by. 

Saving Your Report

After you have finalized the filters, you can now to choose to:

1. Save your current configuration to be the Team Trends chart for everyone

save chart

2. Save it as a new personal custom chart for your own reference or revert the chart to the default settings.

save chart

4. Revert the chart back to the previous iteration by clicking on the counter clockwise turning clock.


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