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QA Feedback Report

Discover how this report can give you insight into your Graders' feedback!

David Chitwood avatar
Written by David Chitwood
Updated over a week ago

The QA Feedback report (under the Agent Performance section of Reporting) can provide an awesome snapshot of the free-text feedback your Graders are giving your Agents, as well as quickly take you to tickets that contain certain phrases in their feedback.

In this report (currently available to all non-Agent users), you can do the following:

  • View all feedback within a certain date range

  • Search for key words and view feedback containing those words

View all feedback within a certain date range

At the top of the QA Feedback report, filter for the Agents, date range, Rubrics, Graders, Ticket Attributes, and/or QA score ranges you'd like to see. The results will show condensed version of the tickets that meet your filters, with columns for Ticket info, the Criterion to which each piece of feedback is attached, Response (i.e., the Grader's selection), and Feedback (i.e., the Grader's comments).

NOTE: Be sure to click "Update Table" after filtering in order to display the correct results!

Search for key words and view feedback containing those words

If you'd like to find a specific ticket in this report whose feedback you know contains a certain word, or if you'd like to view all feedback containing that word, simply enter the word into the search bar > click "Search" > click "Update Table" > voila!

Here is an image diagramming this workflow:

If you have any questions about this report, or features you would like to have added to it, please reach out to Maestro Support via the blue chat icon. Happy reporting! 😁

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