How do I invite a user to MaestroQA?
There are a few ways to access MaestroQA, and the most basic way to invite a user to MaestroQA is through User Accounts tab that is available within the User Roles page.
Who can invite users to MaestroQA?
In your common MaestroQA workflow, only MaestroQA Admins can grant access to MaestroQA. This is because only Admins have access to the User Accounts page.
Note: If you use other log in methods such as SSO/SAML, your login is managed by your team who manages your SSO/SAML solution.
Inviting Managers, Graders, and Admins to MaestroQA
When inviting Mangers, Graders, Limited Admins, and Admins, you are required to fill out these fields
Invite Role: Here you choose the Maestro Role for the user invited
Assign user to User Group: User Groups determine what information created by other users the invitee will have access to. This field is optional/not required for Graders and Manager roles.
Assign user an Agent Group: Agent Group access determines what agent information is visible to the invitee
Email Address: This is the user's login email they will use to gain access to MaestroQA as well as be used to receive notifications.
Note: It is not possible to change the user account email after you invite them. If you are looking to change the login email, you will need to delete the User Account.
Inviting Agents to MaestroQA
When inviting an Agent, there are 3 fields to fill out:
Invite Role: Here you choose what Maestro Role to invite
Link user to agent: Agents can only see tickets from the agent profile they are linked to. Here you select an individual agent profile to link the user to.
Enter Email Address: This is the user's login email they will use to gain access to MaestroQA as well as be used to receive notifications.