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Agent Self Review Workflow
Agent Self Review Workflow

How to configure and use self review

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

About Self Review

Self Review allows agents to grade their own tickets, a useful workflow for having your team engage more deeply in your QA program and reflect on the quality of their conversations.

By default, Self Review is distinct from Agent QA: agents cannot edit graders' scores, and Self Review grades are not included in reporting.

Please note: Your plan must include Agent access to MaestroQA in order to be able to perform the Self Review workflow.

Setting up Self Review

Configuring the Agent user role to edit grades

On the Role Permissions page (Settings > User Roles > Role Permissions), change your agents' access for "Create and Update Grades" to "Own Only".

These are the available options:

  • No: agents cannot add new grades or edit grades given to them

  • Own only: agents can create and edit their own grades. They cannot edit grades given to them (This is recommended for the Self Review workflow)

  • Yes: agents can create and edit their own grades, and they can edit grades given to them

Giving Agents access to one or more rubrics

On the Settings page for Rubrics (Settings > Rubrics), determine which rubrics your agents will use for Self Review. For each, permission, the agent(s) you want to be able to conduct Self Reviews using that rubric (Edit Access > Agent Permissions > View & Grade).

  • Note that View & Grade access allows agents to create and see grades with the Rubric, not to edit the Rubric.

  • To quickly configure all agents to have access to a Rubric, select View & Grade for "All Agents" at the top of the list.

  • To give access to specific Agent Groups, select the "Agent Group" tab and edit permissions for the groups that will conduct Self Review.

Additional configuration

By default, agent Self Review scores are excluded from reporting. You can configure this in Settings (Settings > Features > Feature Toggles > Exclude Agent Self Review scores in QA reporting and coaching).

Viewing Self Review scores

You can identify Self Review scores using the ticket attribute "Self Review". It will be on by default but can be found by going to Settings > Ticket/User Attributes.

From there, go to the Tickets tab and use this attribute in a ticket search, or even apply that ticket search in your Automations.

When viewing scores for a ticket, you will be able to see a dedicated section for agent Self Review scores.

Reporting for Self Review

  • Right now, Self Review scores are kept out of scoring by default. To include Self Reviews in Reporting, the admin must deselect the option below in Other Settings

  • If the admin deselects this option and prefers to include Self Reviews in reports, the Self Review scores will MERGE with the Agent QA scores to form one all-encompassing average. In other words, users will NOT see a bar chart with Agent QA scores separated from Self Review scores.


  • Currently, you cannot assign tickets for Self Review via Automation. Agents must select tickets for review from the Tickets tab. However, you can use automations to send tickets with Self Reviews to agents and/or other users, like Team Leads/Coaches, who may want to easily find those tickets to discuss during a Coaching Session.

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