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Rubric Access

Specify who has access to specific rubrics

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

Where can I setup Rubric Access?

Below are the steps to configure the access:

  1. Go to the Settings > Rubrics

  2. Select "Edit Access" underneath the "Access" column of the rubric list.

edit rubric access

This will launch the "Rubric Access Control" pop up that allows for the configuration. From here, two sections pop up:

  1. Admin, Grader, Manager Permissions

  2. Agent Permissions.

Understanding Grader Permissions

grader permissions

Admin, Grader, Manager Permissions controls rubric access for MaestroQA users with those respective roles.

The first decision is to choose to determine rubric access by selecting individual graders or to select User Groups.

Note: You can only provide access by individual Grader OR User Group. You cannot use a combination of the two.

After deciding which method you will choose to modify rubric access, you can see 3 buttons next to each grader name or User Group name.

These are:

  1. No Access: Users cannot access the rubric

  2. View: Users can only view QA Scores created by the rubric

  3. View & Edit: Users can view and create QA Scores with the rubric

Understanding Agent Permissions

Agents typically only have view access to rubric. By removing an agents view access to a rubric, this will prevent the agent from viewing QA Scores created by this rubric.

Configuring View Access here will NOT restrict what QA Scores are shared when sharing QA Feedback in PDF format with an agent.

How do I remove a rubric from being used for grading?

We strongly recommend to NOT delete rubrics. Once a rubric is deleted, it is not possible to restore grades associated with the rubric.

Deleting rubrics

Instead, we recommend to set a rubric to inactive, which can be done by clicking on the button underneath the Active column.

Deleting rubrics

Doing this will:

  • Prevent graders from using the inactive rubric to grade future tickets

  • Remove the rubric from being considered in average QA scores (though if manually selected it can still factor)

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