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Smart Attributes

Highlight specific keywords, macros, and sensitive information to enhance your ticket search and maximize your grading workflow.

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

Applying the right filters in your ticket search can save you time and effort as you grade tickets for your team. With Smart Attributes, you have more tools to search for tickets that are relevant and drive actionable insights for your business.

To configure, go to the top right of your screen and select Settings > Ticket/User Attributes. There will be 3 headers at the top of the screen to choose from.

smart attributes

Add Your Own Custom Attribute

If there are specific keywords you'd like to use in your filtered search, you can set them up in Smart Attributes. Press "Add Smart Attribute" and turn on your new custom field. From here you can title your keyword search, add the word(s) that you want to search for in your desired tickets, and select the users (agents and/or customers) you want to focus on within each ticket interaction.

add smart attribute

Smart Attributes

When you select Smart Attributes, you will also see 3 existing attributes. Each attribute has been pre-configured to search for a list of keywords. These attributes are originally off, so you must turn them on if you want to use them. 

**After turning on smart attributes, allow at least one hour for all tickets to update the new fields. Until that update time is complete, no tickets will match that filter specification.**  

smart attributes bad language

Once these options are turned on, they will be available for you to choose in your search filter dropdown in the Tickets tab (depending on your package, you can also filter with them in your automations). You must add these attributes in your filter in order for them to be applied in your ticket search. 

bad language true fals
has bad language

Bad Language

Use this attribute to track the tickets that include profanity. Click into the dropdown to specify whether you'd prefer to track bad language by an agent or a customer.

bad language attribute

(PII) Personally Identifiable Information

This attribute allows you to quickly identify tickets containing information that is sensitive to the customer or agent. Like the Bad Language attribute, you can select whether you'd prefer to focus on the agent's interaction within a ticket or the customer's interaction. 

You can also select specific categories of PII you'd prefer to search for when filtering with the attribute. This includes options for Social Security Numbers (SSN) and credit card numbers.

PII filter

Macro Misusage

Note: Macro Misusage is only available for Zendesk integration

Turning this attribute on will enable you to filter for tickets with macros that did not work properly within the ticket. For example, if an email ticket includes a macro that is meant to automatically insert a password for the customer, you can easily find that ticket if the macro is undefined. 

Once a ticket has been identified and included in your filtered search, you can click "Macro Misusage" button at the top of the ticket and find exactly where the macro error occurred. Note that all 3 attributes can be identified in the ticket this way.

email ticket order
macro misusage

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