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Coaching Points

Learn how to use Coaching Points to bring specific feedback into sessions

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

Coaching Points allow Coaches and Graders to bring tangible feedback into Coaching Sessions. A key component of Coaching in Maestro, Coaching Points allow:

  • Graders to suggest items an agent needs coaching on by creating a "coaching point" for any ticket they've come across while grading

  • Coaches to pull in important KPIs to benchmark an Agent’s progress against their individual and team goals

  • Coaches and agents to discuss qualitative feedback such as Tone and Voice and tie feedback to particular tickets

How to Create a Coaching Point

Add tickets as Coaching Points either from your dashboard or from Grading

From Grading:

  1. Click "Add to Coaching" on any of the criteria. Add in any notes and make the point as a strength or opportunity. If you'd like, you can assign it to a specific session or leave it unassigned. The coach will see there is unassigned feedback and bring it into the right session themselves.

From your dashboard:

  1. Follow similar instructions as above - you'll see the "add to coaching" button when you are looking at an agent's feedback table or are drilled into a specific metric on the KPI dashboard.

From within the coaching modal:

  1. Confirm if there are any unassigned points you want to bring in by clicking on "unassigned points". Select any you wish to add and click "add to session" and select the session you want to add them to.

  2. To create new points, click "Create Coaching Point" from the workspace tab of a coaching session.

  3. To add any points from the session directly in-line with the text in your workspace, click the "Coaching Points"button in the workspace section of the session. Select any points and click "add to workspace". You can copy and paste the pills to move them around.

You can go back and edit or delete the Coaching Point by clicking on the point and then edit.

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