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Adding metrics to Coaching Templates
Adding metrics to Coaching Templates

Automatically populate metrics in Coaching Sessions

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over 11 months ago

Who can manage Coaching Templates?

Coaching Templates can be managed by Maestro Admins and Limited Admins, and Coaching Templates can be found by:

  1. Clicking on Settings

  2. Click on Coaching Templates

On the Coaching Templates setting page, you will be able to:

  1. Enable or disable templates

  2. Create a new template

  3. Modify existing templates

  4. Manage who has access to see Coaching Sessions created by a template

    1. This also encompasses who has the ability to use a template

Adding Metrics to a Coaching Template

To start, open up a template by either:

  • Clicking “Edit” next to any Coaching Template, we recommend using a non-default template


  • Click Create New Template

Within the edit view you will see a new button “Add Metric” right below Session Overview.

Clicking on “Add Metric” will populate a dropdown menu, and the experience here mimics the same experience as adding a metric to a Coaching Session directly. Added metrics will appear right below the “Add Metrics” button.

After adding the metrics, to add them into the workspace of a template, you can:

  1. Select the number of metrics you want to add into the template

  2. Click within the text space where you want the metrics to appear

  3. Click on “Apply to Template”

As opposed to selecting metrics in bulk like the above, it is also possible to drag and drop metrics into the text space as well.

For this example, our template will look like the screenshot below:

How does this show up in a Coaching Session?

Select the template that will contains the metrics saved from above, and then you should see the Metrics automatically populate within the Coaching Session showing:

  1. Name of the metric + value

  2. Time frame the metric is covering

The time frame it is referencing here is the same as what was set when adding the metrics to templates.


I am not seeing metrics populate, how can I make them appear?

It is only possible to share metrics that meet the following conditions:

  1. Metric is associated with a Performance Dashboard

  2. The Performance Dashboard is shared with at least 1 agent

To see metrics populate, share a set of agents to a Performance Dashboard.

I was able to add a Metric to a template, but I cannot edit the template text space

Make sure you are using a custom template and not a default template. For default templates, you can add the metric to the template, but you are unable to modify the template text space.

If you like the default template, you can always copy and paste the default template > create a new template.

I am trying to use a template, but it is not visible to me

Access to use a template can be restricted by your Maestro Admin. If you are a non-admin user, check with your Maestro Admin to ask about gaining access to a Coaching Template.

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