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Team Calibration Workflow

How to conduct a Team Calibration in MaestroQA

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

Why Calibrate?

To help ensure your team is aligned on grading criteria

By setting up Calibration Sessions, you can help align your team's grading guidelines to make sure that Agents are receiving consistent and helpful feedback.

Creating a Team Calibration Session

First, look up or filter for tickets that you are hoping to conduct Calibrations on.

After selecting a series of tickets, click on "Create/Add to Assignment." This will bring up a form where a user starts by providing the Assignment a name and defining the Assignment type.

Here you'll want to select the "Team Calibration" assignment type so that this assignment can easily be found on the Home page as well as be accounted for properly.

Note: To help with future organization, we highly recommend providing a uniquely identifiable name for the assignment

Below the assignment type selection, you can select the proper Rubric for your team to use when Calibrating. The Rubric selection made here will be chosen by default when each user begins their Calibration.

After setting up the name and assignment type, it is now time to specify which users you want to share this Calibration with to allow them to calibrate.

Always double-check that users who are supposed to calibrate on the ticket have:

  1. Access to the Agents on the tickets shared

  2. Access to the Rubric you plan to use to calibrate on

  3. The proper Role Permissions to conduct a calibration

After you are finished, you can always confirm if you have configured the Calibration properly by checking out the summary at the end.

Getting to the Calibration

Calibration sessions can be found on both the QA Assignments page underneath your grading assignments and on the Ticket Reviews page.

Once you have received the ticket(s) to be calibrated, you can start calibrating via two methods:

First method is from the Ticket Reviews page

  • Filter for Ticket Review that "Contain" All Agents or the specific Agent whose ticket you're calibrating and choose "Team Calibration" as the Assignment Type Filter, then click on the Calibration Assignment

  • After clicking into the Assignment, click on the ticket to calibrate, then click "Add Scores":

  • Alternatively, within the Ticket Review, you can hover over the "Calibration Score" column for the ticket and click "Add Score":

Second method is from the QA Assignments page

  • From the My Grading Assignments tab, locate the Calibration Assignment and click "Grade" in the Grade column:

  • You'll then be taken into the Assignment, where you can "Add Scores" as shown in the Ticket Review method above

Regardless of the method you choose, you will be brought into the scorecard to begin your individual Calibration. The Score Type selected should be "Calibration" by default.

Here is where teams should decide on:

  1. Who the ticket applies to

  2. What is the proper Rubric to use (if a default Rubric wasn't selected during the Assignment creation)

The grading process from there is similar to grading a regular ticket. Once you are done calibrating, don't forget to save the calibration. In the case where someone accidentally calibrates incorrectly, you can always delete the score as well. 

Final Calibration

For the user handling the Final Calibration, enter the Calibration Assignment from the Ticket Reviews page and click "See Scores."

There, you can now see the names of the users that have added an individual score to the Calibration (their scores will be hidden here) and your own initial Calibration Score. To begin the Final Calibration, click "View" from the Final Calibrations section.

The selections of each individual calibrator will be visible under each criterion, and each of their individual overall scores will be visible at the bottom of the scorecard.

Once the Final Calibration is complete, save the Calibration. To learn more details about this view, check out this article here!

Note: Final Calibration scores do not replace the original graded score.

Final Outcome 

All Graders/Individual Calibrators will only be able to see the grades they submitted and the Final Calibration score. Once again, please keep in mind that the Final Calibration will not replace the original grade of the ticket. 

Once the Final Calibration is complete, those with access to view the Final Calibration will have the view below after clicking "View" in the Final Calibration section. Here you can compare everyone's Individual Calibration answers in addition to the Final Calibration.

For larger teams, note the option to select specific Graders to compare to the Final Calibration for a much cleaner experience.

If you have any issues with users being unable to see grades, double-check your configuration by going to Settings > User Roles > Role Permissions. You can learn more about User Roles by clicking on the button below!

Common Questions About Calibrations

Do Team Calibration scores count towards QA scores?

Calibration scores do not contribute towards QA Scores.

Do Team Calibrations count towards QA Count?

Calibrations scores do not contribute towards QA Count.

How do I export calibration scores?

Export scores as per usual, and then while filling out the form, be sure to check [Include calibration scores]. This will then include calibration scores in the export.

export calibration scores

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