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Guide to User Roles

Walkthrough of how to invite users, sync agent tickets, setup agent groups, and define role permissions

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over 3 years ago


Learning how agent groups and available agents function in MaestroQA can help with also understanding your access within the tool. 

This article will introduce you to:

  1. User Accounts

  2. Agents

  3. Agent Groups

  4. User Groups

  5. Role Permissions

Please keep in mind, your access to User Roles within the gearbox may vary depending on your role. This article is primarily geared towards Admins. 


User Accounts

The essential features within User Accounts are the following: 

  1. Invite new Users

  2. Adjusting User Access

  3. Linking Users to Agents/Agent Groups

Inviting Users

Within User Accounts, you can manually send invites to invite users to Maestro. Typically we suggest to manually invite Managers, Graders, and Admins via this method.  

If you are a Zendesk user, have integrated with Zendesk, and have agent dashboard access, agents can sign in via "Sign in with Zendesk".

Adjusting User Access

Within this tab, you can also change user roles and change user groups. 

Section A:

Here is where you can select what role you want to user to have. The roles available are:

  1. Limited Agent

  2. Agent

  3. Manager

  4. Grader

  5. Limited Admin

  6. Admin

Section B:

Linking agents is primarily used for Agents since they cannot join agent groups.

If the user is an agent, the agent needs to be linked to him/herself in order to view tickets within Maestro (if they have Maestro access). 

Section C:

This refers to which non-agent Groups Admins and Limited Admins can manage.

Section D:

This refers to providing your managers, graders, and admins access to specific agent groups. Agent Groups determine what tickets users have access to.



Within the Agents tab, you can view:

  1. Agent Name: The display name for the agent. No special characters allowed when naming your agent.  

  2. Agent ID: If you have successfully integrated with a helpdesk, this will sync with their Agent ID on the helpdesk

  3. Helpdesk: Displays how the agent joined Maestro or what helpdesk the agent is attached to

  4. Email: If you are not using a helpdesk, this is used as the identifying factor for agents. You can edit the email as well.

  5. Available in Maestro: This determines what agents will have their ticket information synced with Maestro. You can manually turn on and off agents at any time.

  6. Delete: You can only delete agents after you have deactivated them. We advise to not delete agents as deactivating agents will provide the same results, but you can revisit these agents at any moment in time in the future. 

You will also see that at the bottom of the page, you can add new agents. If you are integrated with a helpdesk, agents who have answered tickets will be automatically synced with Maestro. 

add new agent

If you are looking to bulk add agents, you can do so via this button right under the previous one:

upload a list of agent profiles

At the bottom of the agents tab, you will see the following settings pop up:

agent settings

The key settings to highlight here would be:

  1. Ability to upload CSV files to make agents available or unavailable. The CSV will just need a single column that is all the Agent IDs or emails for all agents being set to available/unavailable.

  2. You can also upload a CSV to bulk invite agents to become users on MaestroQA. Same as above, the CSV will need a column that has the Agent IDs or emails for all agents being invited. This is different than the Adding New Agent function from earlier. You will still need to add the agents to Maestro manually if they are not synced with Maestro. 


Agent Groups

The purpose of Agent Groups is to help organize your agents into separate teams and help provide the proper access to graders, managers, and admins. 

agent groups import from zendesk

You can create as many groups as you like, or if you are integrated with Zendesk, you can import your groups from Zendesk seamlessly. 

If you have just started with Maestro, you will notice that you only have one agent group, which is All Agents. 

All of your agents will automatically be put into this group when they join Maestro. If you are the primary admin for the account, be sure to associate yourself with this group first. 

view all agents

Every single Agent Group will show you the number of available agents vs total agents. Here you can also check to see what agents your Managers, Graders, and other Admins have access to.

Some things to keep in mind:

  1. While you can turn off and on all agents in a group, you will have to go to the Agents tab in order to turn individual agents off and on. 

  2. Agent Groups determine your access to specific tickets. If you are unable to find tickets from a particular agent or are unable to see tickets within a ticket review, this may have to do with what Agent Groups you are shared on. 

  3. Agents and Limited Agents only have access to their own tickets. They cannot be given access to other Agent Groups.

  4. By clicking on the pencil icon, you can also upload a CSV to add agents to a specific agent group. 


User Groups

The purpose of User Groups is to help organize users (non-agents) into separate teams. This helps provide better management of teams to Admins and Limited Admins.

You can add any non-agent user to a user group. When you give a user access to a user group on the User Accounts page, that user will be able to manage all users in that group, along with any rubrics or Automations owned by those users.

All of your non-agent users will automatically be put into the "All Users" group when they join Maestro.

If you are the primary Admin for the account, be sure to add this to your accessible User Groups first.


Role Permissions

The Role Permissions tab allows you to customize how specific roles interact with Maestro. The last column serves as a general guide on access to tickets for specific roles. Keep in mind to always double-check the user’s actual Agent Group access within the User Roles tab. 

To walk through the roles:

  1. Admin: This user has access to everything on Maestro with no restrictions. 

  2. Limited Admin: This User has higher-level access to Maestro than all other non-admin users. The key features a Limited Admin has access to are:

    • Inviting and creating User Accounts

    • Creating and Managing Agent Groups and User Groups

    • Access to "All Grader Assignments"

    Learn more about this role in this article.

  3. Grader: Graders typically handle grading and benchmark QA Assignments. Unless granted access, Graders cannot edit or create rubrics, agents, agent groups, or see the calibrations report within reporting. 

  4. Managers: Typically handles coaching and reviewing tickets with agents. They have less access than Graders, but can be given the same permissions to act as a Grader. 

  5. Agents: These are your agents who are handling the tickets directly. They only have access to their own tickets.  

  6. Limited Agents: Limited Agents have an extremely limited view of Maestro. They are restricted to their own tickets, and there is even an option to only allow them to see their own comments rather than see scores.

For the roles mentioned, only Admins, Limited Admins, Graders, and Managers will have access to the tool if you are on the Essentials or Team package. If you would like to have agent access to Maestro, you will need to be on the Professional package.

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