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Agents: Ticket Reviews

Ticket Reviews tab allows you to have a more organized view of your tickets. You can also keep track of appeals here

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago


The Ticket Reviews tab is where you can keep track of all shared ticket reviews that your grader has sent over. Within the Ticket Reviews tab you will find either the option to view Ticket Reviews or Appeals. 

This article will primarily focus on going through filtering through the Tickets Review tab as a whole. If you are interested in learning more about appeals, click on the button below!

Ticket Reviews

start appeal

Ticket Reviews are a bundled set of tickets (graded or ungraded) that are distributed to help organize what an agent should review. Typically, you will be shared on a graded ticket review where you will have easy access to your performance. 

There are a couple of search options within the Ticket Reviews tab:

  • Graded for

  • Contains

When you go into the tab, the default search option is "Graded for". If you have been shared or have access to non-graded tickets, you will need to filter by contains in order to view non-graded ticket reviews.

If you face any issues with viewing tickets or are unable to locate a ticket review, please refer to the troubleshoot guide via the button below! 


The Appeals section helps you keep track of appeals you have made. Here you can filter for:

  • Any appeal

  • Pending appeals

  • Approved Appeals

  • Denied Appeals


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