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Creating Agent-Based Automations

How to build an automated workflow for AgentQA in MaestroQA

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago


For users on the Team and Professional package, users can utilize a feature known as Automations. This feature allows users to automatically generate assignments and automatically share those assignments with graders.

This article will walk through how to use the "Send Agent QA Assignments" Automation to automatically assign tickets to grade.  


Locating Grading Assignment Automations

All MaestroQA Admins will have access to Automations. Graders and Managers must be granted access to this feature by their MaestroQA Admin.

1. Click on Settings

2. Click on Automations

3. This will bring you to the Automations page where you can click on "Create New Automation" to bring up a dropdown of the automations you can make.

4. For this case, we are going to be making an automation to send grading assignments to graders. So we will select "Send Agent QA Assignments"


Creating Your Automation

Step 1) Name Your Automation 

describe the automation

Provide your Automation with a name! 

Assignments created by the automation will use the name as the automation name, so be sure to make it unique!

Step 2) Pre-selecting a rubric

preselect a rubric

To make the grading process easier, pre-select what rubric is associated with the assignments.

By selecting a rubric here, when a grader opens up their grading assignment, all the fields will be automatically selected, and they can get straight to grading.

Step 3) Creating Your Ticket Filters

creating your ticket filters

Here you can build out what type of Tickets you would like the automation to assign to your graders.

Typical filters that we see customers use include filtering tickets based on their tags, the Zendesk ticket Status, or other fields. Below is an example:

ticket filters

A quick tip, always test your ticket filters on the Tickets page before running your Automation! 

Step 4) Assign Tickets to Graders

assign tickets

In this section, you determine how many tickets your graders should receive. All types of Assignment Type options, whether Manual or Random, will always randomly choose tickets that match the filter you created. 

The primary difference between Manual and Random assignment is that:

  • Manual assignment allows you to choose which agents' tickets are assigned to which grader

  • Random assignment allows agents' tickets to be randomly distributed across graders selected

Step 5) Establish Automation Frequency

Automation Set Schedule

In this section, users can establish how frequently they want the automation to run. All time fields here are based on the time zone configured for the account

Note: Timezone can be configured in Settings > Other Settings. Updating the Timezone will impact ALL users.

A quick run-through, here users can configure: 

  • When the automation should start running
    Ex. Start on Monday at 1AM

  • How frequently the automation runs
    Ex. one-time, daily, weekly, monthly

  • Establish when the grading assignments are due 

Note: Automations are configured to look back the rest of the day it is running on, and then the full-time span it looks at. As an example:

  • Daily automation scheduled to run at 2AM on February 2nd will look at the past 2 hours of the day + the past 24 hours of the previous day. So in total, the automation covers 26 hours. 

Best Practice: As a general best practice, most customer's set up Weekly Assignment Automations that run every Monday morning, distributing tickets for the graders to grade that week.

As the above visual shows, users can now also select multiple days within the same week to send grading assignments.

Step 6) Configuring Notifications

configuring notifications

Finally, users can configure how they want Graders to receive their grading assignments. From this page, you can:

  • Choose distribution method Email vs. Slack Note - Slack can be integrated by going to Settings > Integrations.

  • Provide a subject + message for the Email or Slack message that is sent out

  • Setup assignment reminders. These will be sent if a grader has not finished grading their assigned tickets. 

  • Receive a copy of the automation results to keep track of whether automations are running as intended.

How Can I Troubleshoot to See if My Automation Ran Correctly?

Reviewing the automation summary email is the first step to confirming what was assigned through your Automation.

But another way to check if your Automation ran as intended is to go to the Notifications section, which is the bell-shaped button located at the top right of your screen.

In the notification, there will be additional information about the AgentQA Automation that outlines:

  1. The number of agents configured in the automation at the time it ran

  2. The number of those configured agents who were “available” when the automation ran

  3. how many total tickets matched the automation’s filters

This information will be available for normally scheduled automation runs, and preview runs if an admin wants to check their settings before distributing an assignment to the entire team. Only admins and the Automation owner will have visibility into these notifications.

To send an Automation Preview run, go to Settings > Automations > Click the three dots in the Automation tile that you want to preview > Click "Email Preview".

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