For users utilizing a non-integrated workflow in MaestroQA, instead of manually creating individual tickets, use the bulk manual ticket upload feature!
This feature is limited to MaestroQA Admins and can be located on the Integrations page. A maximum of 20,000 tickets can be created per CSV.
Using Manual Upload
Step 1: Creating the CSV
Before clicking on the "Manual Upload" tile, ensure that your CSV file contains the following fields in the exact order listed:
agent_ids: Refers to the agentID used to identify the agent. If you are not using agentID, you can also use agent_emails, though this is less accurate.
date: The day the ticket was created. A leading zero is not required. Formats accepted are YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY
subject: The subject of the ticket.
body: The comments or text of the ticket.
link: A link to the ticket from your external resource
tags: Any tag value separated by semicolons with no spaces after semicolons (ex. Tag 1;Tag2)
type: what type of ticket is this (ex. Phone)
csat_score: What was the CSAT Score on the ticket?
status: Refers to the status of a ticket (ex. Closed)
ticket_id: Add the ticketID for the ticket here.
Note: No special characters can be used for the ticket_ids and the max number of characters you can use for the ticket_id is 95.
As reference, here is a screenshot of how to set up a CSV file:
Additionally, here is a google sheet template that you can copy.
Manually-defined ticket attributes can be included in the CSV. Add ticket attribute columns after the standard columns shown above. Use each attribute's label as a column header, and enter the value for the attribute in an individual ticket's row.
Uploading CSVs with manually-defined ticket attributes
Uploading CSVs with manually-defined ticket attributes
*If the attributes haven't been created yet, do that first.
Step 2: Uploading the CSV
After clicking on the "Manual Upload" tile, click on "Upload Tickets" from the following page.
From here, you can click on" "Upload CSV" to be prompted to upload the CSV file
Step 3: Adding the Tickets
Upon successfully uploading the CSV file, you will see the first 3 results load up in a table.
In addition, you will see a quick summary of how many tickets were identified as well as how many agents were identified.
To upload the tickets, click on "Upload # tickets". This upload should happen instantly.
Upon successfully uploading the CSV file, a blue message pops up in the right hand corner of MaestroQA to confirm what was created.
If you're looking for a way to automate your manual workflows and integrate MaestroQA with other tools, you might be interested in using the MaestroQA API.