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Scheduling Flexibility for Agent QA Automations

Have more control over when your team’s Agent QA grading assignments are scheduled on a weekly/monthly basis.

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago


As a QA Admin, what is the best strategy for sending out grading assignments to your QA analysts? How can you configure your Automations to distribute grading assignments in a way that is easier for you to manage while simultaneously setting clearer scheduling expectations for your Graders?

A QA program can be a fairly comprehensive web of workflows with multiple initiatives running concurrently. Because of this, QA Managers may need to create different Automations to support each of those workflows. Partner this with competing priorities and schedules for various support leaders and QA analysts, and a QA Manager could be forced to manage a long list of Automations.

With the new scheduling flexibility update, you now have more flexibility to simplify your Automation setup. Depending on the goal, a QA Admin can configure assignments to be sent multiple times a week or month within the same Automation. In other words, a workflow that previously required multiple Automations can now be configured with a single Automation.

What Use Case(s) Does this Update Solve?

Use Case #1

A common use case among QA Admins is to send Automations multiple times a week or only on certain days of the month. Until now, the Automation frequency selector limited users to one day to send grading assignments. As a result, if the goal is to send grading assignments each weekday, users had to set up an Automation to run on Mondays, a separate Automation to run on Tuesdays, etc. as a workaround and then manage each of those Automations.

  • For example - if you need to add a user to your Monday Automation, you also need to go and make that same change for your Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Automations.

Agent QA Automation Scheduling

With this new UI, you can consolidate this workflow to a single Automation. If you currently have different Automations split by weekdays, this is a great opportunity to simplify your workflows right away!

Agent QA Updated Automation Schedule Experience

Use Case #2

This update also allows users to run Automations in ways that match their desired QA policy. Choose a specific date that you’d like an Automation to run every month, or a specific day of each month.

  • Example - Set your automation to send grading assignments on the 1st Wednesday of each month

  • Example - Set your automation to run on the 3rd of every month

Agent QA Automation Schedule Experience

The increased customizability allows you to configure your team’s grading assignment schedule to fit your ideal needs while minimizing the number of Automations you need to manage.

Who Has Access to This New Automation Functionality?

This update is automatically available to all customers with access to Automations. No changes need to be made by the user to activate the feature.

(If your team does not have access to Automations, please reach out to your CSM or our support team if you’d like to learn more about how Automations can streamline your QA process.)

Within each team, any specific user with access to creating or managing Agent QA Automations will be able to see and use the new scheduling options.

Note: This updated scheduling UI is only available for creating Agent QA grading assignments at this time. All other Automation types will remain the same.

Will This Impact Automations That Are Already Running?

All Agent QA Automations currently running will also be updated to include this new UI. This will not impact how your Automations are configured today until you decide to make adjustments on your own. All Automations will continue to run as they have been.

Navigating Scheduling for Automations

Go to Settings > Sharing Automations > Create New Automation > Send Agent QA Assignments.

Scroll down to Set Schedule. The Frequency default should already be set to Recurring Schedule.

Select the start date and the time you’d like your automation to run for the first time.

Set Automation Schedule

From here you set your Automation schedule. The Daily option still functions the same, but now more options will appear for Weekly or Monthly cadences.

Weekly Schedule

If you select Weekly, the following selectors will appear for you to choose the days you’d like to send grading assignments within a given week.

Set Agent QA Weekly Automation Schedule

With the configuration above, the Automation is set to run every 2 weeks. On a week that the Automation is scheduled to run, it will send grading assignments on Monday and on Wednesday of that week. So graders should receive 2 separate grading assignments for that week.

In this example, note that the start date is 10/18, which happens to fall on a Monday. Since the automation starts on a Monday, it will run every Monday - or in this case, every other Monday. As a result, Mondays are automatically selected and cannot be deselected UNLESS the start date is changed. All other days within the week can be selected/deselected as you see fit.

Monthly Schedule

If you select Monthly, you will see two different options. Based on the start day selected, you now have two choices:

  • Choose to run the Automation on that same calendar date (ex. 18th of each month)

  • Choose to run the Automation on the same day of that month (ex. 3rd Monday of each month)

Set Agent QA Monthly Automation Schedule

Similar to the Weekly selector, your two options are determined by your start date. Adjust your Automation start date to get new options for monthly scheduling.

If you run into any questions that this article doesn't cover, please reach out to Maestro Support via the blue chat button, and we'll be happy to help! 🕵️

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