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Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons
Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons
Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

What is an Appeal Approve/Deny Reason?

Appeal Approve/Deny reasons is an optional step to the Agent QA appeal workflow. This workflow can be helpful in providing better insight into why an appeal decision was made and help drive data driven decisions for changes to a rubric or QA training.

Note: This feature is currently in limit availability. As a result, you may not see this feature live in your account.

Finding the Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons Page

Only Maestro Admins can create an Appeal Approve/Deny reason, and the feature will only appear if the Agent QA Appeal workflow is enabled for your account.

As an Admin, go to the Appeals page and click on "Set Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons".

Clicking on this button will bring you to the page where you can:

  1. Create an Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons

  2. Enable or disable Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons

  3. Delete an existing reason

Creating the Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons

To create a reason, click on "Create Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons".

A pop up will appear where you will be required to provide 2 pieces of information:

  1. Provide a unique Appeal Decision Reason name

  2. Determine if the reason will be used for the Approve or Deny workflow

Managing Existing Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons

By default, two Approve Appeal Decision Reasons are enabled:

  1. Grader Error

  2. Not Grader Error

Default reasons cannot be deleted, but they can be disabled.

To alternate between Approve and Deny reasons, click on the tabs to see the respective active or inactive reasons.

How does this impact the Agent QA Appeal workflow?

In the Agent QA Appeals workflow, if there is an available Appeal Decision Reason set for either the Approve or Deny option, all active reasons will be visible associated with the enabled option.

Using the earlier screenshot as an example, for "Approve Reasons" only "Missing Context" is enabled. This means when Approve is selected, we will only show "Missing Context".

Can I report on these decisions?

Yes, in Reporting through the Graders Appealed table, you can export the table into a CSV to see a full list of all appeal approve or deny reasons available or unavailable.

Deleted Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons will not reflect in the export.

If I am using the old Appeals workflow, what changes?

For those on legacy appeals, you may have noticed that the wording for the section was originally "Is this appeal due to grader error?".

By using Appeal Approve/Deny Reasons, you will now see this relabeled to "Appeal Decision Reason".

All historical data associated with the original "Is this appeal due to grader error?" question still exists as it is now transitioned to the "Grader Error" and "Not Grader Error" decision options.

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