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Coaching Templates

Learn how to use Coaching Templates for Coaching Sessions

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

Coaching Templates allow Admins to create templates tailored for different categories of coaching sessions and choose which user groups to share them with. With templates, teams can:

  • Fill out and structure the Session Overview of Coaching Sessions that their coaches coach from

  • Hold private coaching sessions with agents to cover sensitive topics like Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs), Disciplinary Action, and Career Growth Opportunities

  • Filter for a particular type of coaching session without having to manually sift through each one

  • Report on the types or categories of coaching occurring and understand trends

How to Enable Coaching Templates

  1. On the dropdown menu on the right of your screen, click “Settings”

  2. On the "Settings" page, click "Coaching Templates"

  3. Click “New Coaching Template” to create a new Coaching Template for your team

  4. Specify which User Groups have access to this template using the toggle buttons. when they create a new coaching session

  5. Create a Session Overview using text or macros which will be seen whenever a coach uses the template. In other words, they will have the Session Overview filled out as soon as they create a session using the Template

  6. To update an existing template, return to the Settings > Coaching Templates page and press “Edit”

✍ Note: Admins and Limited Admins can create Coaching Templates and select which User Groups have access to them. Coaches can both view the templates they’ve been given access to and use them to create new coaching sessions.

🎥 Check out this video for a visual explanation:

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