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Custom Reporting in Maestro

How do you design custom reports in MaestroQA? Read this article to find out!

David Chitwood avatar
Written by David Chitwood
Updated over a week ago

Maestro's Reporting page has many functions that can benefit your team's workflows. Among these is the ability to create custom reports. Benefits of custom Reporting include:

  • Viewing and exporting niche information

  • Finding QA counts for non-scoring Rubric questions

  • Reporting on Custom Ticket Attributes

  • Reporting on your BPO team's performance (e.g. displaying averages week-over-week or month-over-month)

  • Compare scores across QA Rubrics

How do I create a custom report?

From the Reporting tab, click "Create Custom Chart" in the top left corner of your screen.

NOTE: If you don't see this option, it's likely because your role does not have permission to create and share charts. Please reach out to an Admin on your team!

Once you've done this, you'll have the following view:

Here is the key to those labeled sections:

  1. Title your chart

  2. Create a bar chart, line chart, or table

  3. Select the metric(s) you'd like to view: QA Score, CSAT, and/or Number of QA

  4. Select your primary dimension for the chart: Agent, Group, Rubric, Grader, or Ticket Attribute *

  5. If you've selected to filter by Agent Group, this checkbox will light up so you can choose whether or not to include Inactive Agents in your search

  6. Select your date range

  7. Choose additional filters if needed

  8. Select additional dimensions for your chart

  9. Click "Update Chart" and view your results!

  10. If you'd like to officially create this report so it can be saved for future reference, click "Create Chart" **

  11. To view the individual tickets that compose the report's results, click "View Tickets for Chart"

  12. Export the chart to yourself or anyone else on your team

  13. Create a scheduled export of this chart to send at your desired frequency

* NOTE: Only Custom Ticket Attributes can be used in Reporting, and they must be enabled. See this article for more info.

** NOTE: Your saved custom reports can be found on the lefthand side under the "My Reports" section, where you can also create new folders and add custom reports to them:


  • Why can't I select/export my Custom Ticket Attributes?

    • This is a setting that needs to be enabled by an Admin on your team. Admins, check out this article to learn more about Reporting on and exporting Custom Ticket Attributes!

  • How do I create a custom chart to report on markdowns?

    • Selecting only the Options column in a custom report will help you report on markdowns. We have another awesome article about this!

  • How do I organize my custom reports into folders?

    • Add custom reports into folders using the "Folders" button at the top right corner of the report (after you create it). Here's another handy Help Center article to answer this very question!

If you have any questions, feedback, or feature requests related to custom Reporting, please feel free to contact Maestro Support using the blue chat icon! 💬

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