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Automate Agent Group Access for Calibrations

How to automatically grant agent access when creating a Calibration Assignment

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over 2 years ago

What is a calibration?

Calibration is a workflow that helps align QA graders on how a rubric is intended to work. With a focus on collaboration, calibrations is suggested to be used to help promote larger discussions around rubric criteria and whether they are best suited for the current QA program.

To learn about calibrations in detail check out this article here.

How do I automate Agent Group Access?

Automatically Grant Access

For Team Calibrations, selecting "Automatically grant access" will automatically create a temporary agent group that all participating calibrators will have access to.

If desired, it is possible to verify that each participant has access to temporary group by navigating to User Roles > User Accounts and looking underneath the Agent Group column for the calibrator.

The temporary agent group will contain all the agents that are associated with the tickets shared. After either the calibration assignment is deleted or 30 days pass from when the assignment is created, the temporary agent group will no longer exist revoking agent access from participating calibrators.

Temporary Agent Groups are categorized as manual agent groups that can be managed from the User Roles > Agent Groups page. Users with access to the Agent Groups page will be able to remove specific agents from the Temporary Agent Group.

The name generated for the Temporary Agent Group is formatted as follows:

  • "Group for assignment: " + *Name of Assignment*

Example Temporary Agent Group name:

  • Group for assignment: Test Calibration Assignment

Manually Grant Access

This option follows the historical approach for creating Team Calibrations. No temporary agent group is created and a user with the ability to manage User Accounts will need to manually provide each calibrator access to the agents working on the ticket.

What about benchmark calibrations?

For Benchmark Calibrations, this agent group is automatically created without any additional input or configuration.

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